so i don't have that much excitment...but i missed writing for you here is my not so exciting post.soooo....this last weekend...i stayed out until FIVE AM three nights in a row...ohhh man it was before you go thinking i am a crazy party animal...there is something to understand...the train stops runninf before midnight...and who goes home before midnight?! and then they don't start running again until 5am! ridiculous, i say...but that is how it here is some documentation of my fun times:::

pictures from top to bottom 1. my lovely roommate alli and her lovely twin sister abby, adore them basically 2. my silly face roomies molly, alli, and katie while on the train 3. night out with katie alli, and james...james alli and i were tearing up the dance floor!! 4. scruffy murphey's...dancing away to the band 5. a rando aussie we met
buuuuut...i am off to buy cookie making materials with the roomie! hells yes!
love you all kiddies :]
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